Your IP address is shown below along with information we found during the trace of your IP such as location and area code. Keep in mind that we are tracing your current IP and if you’re using a proxy server1 then we’ll report information on that IP rather than your computer’s address.
As you visit websites, your computer is sharing the following information: That you are running Unknown OS Platform using the Unknown browser though, Inc. which assigned you an IP address of and that you are currently in Ashburn, Virginia with timezone of America/New_York.
In the map below, it shows where your IP address seems to be located.
Depending on your setup,, Inc. can see what device you are using to access the internet by looking at your MAC address, which they keep private and assign you an IP address ( to browse the internet. Comcast knows exactly what IP address is assigned to your router, so if you think you have some type of anonymity because the location is off, you don’t!
Oh, and if you think that information is private and impossible to get, think again – it’s not hard for someone to file a lawsuit against “John Doe” pro se with the necessary paperwork and obtain your information. Maybe you think you can go to a cafe and jump on their wireless and be anonymous – guess what, your computer’s MAC address will still give you away…
Your Natted IP
Want to know what your IP address is behind your router? Yes, it may be possible for others to see that IP and we have a page to test it. It was originally on this page, but because of the way Java works, but moved to our software audit page, which shows your IP address behind your router (depending on your setup).
* Visit our digital footprint section to test for your Internal IP Address and find out what else sites track you with!
When your web browser or email application requests a web page or email from another computer on the Internet, it automatically gives away the computer address where it should send the information. This is called your computer’s “IP address.” For most users accessing the Internet, this IP address will change every time you log in. A constantly changing IP address is referred to as a Dynamic IP Address.
What’s My IP Address Made Of?
IP addresses are created and managed by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). There are regional registries which are given ‘super blocks’. These regional units then allocate smaller blocks to ISP’s.
IPv4 uses 32-bit (4 byte addresses) that limit the number of addresses to 4,294,967,296 (232) possible ‘what’s my ip’ combinations. However, many of these addresses are reserved for special reasons, such as private networks or multicast addresses (~19 million addresses). Because of this, the total number of IP addy’s that can be given to public addressing a shortage of IPv4 address seems likely.
Your IP addresses is likely assigned by your internet service providers (ISP) and because they are registered, can be used to track most internet connected computers. IP addresses are often hard to remember, so they are often assigned a Host Name.
Whats an IP Address?
Easy to understand explanation of an IP Address for the novice!
1A proxy server is a service that takes your computer’s request for internet information and fulfills that request using a different IP. These services are used to hide your information so that websites can’t track your activity or patterns; however, your footprint may bypass the proxy server and show your true IP address!
Hello Paul,
434 miles is a LONG way. If ISP is Globe Telecom covers that entire area, then she may very well be at that cafe but connecting to the internet from somewhere else. However, such a distance is unlikely here in the US!
Here in the U.S., when someone connects to the internet from their home, they are really connecting to their ISP from home, the ISP may send their connection to a port that is 50 miles away – so it appears that they are located far from the location they are physically at.
What you should do is call the cafe and play innocent; ask if they have internet and if so, who do they use. If they don’t use ISP is Globe Telecom then you are a lot closer to proving your theory:)
I chat with a friend in Philippines using YM. She is always in a cafe. She is meant to be in Tacloban City. But every tine I trace her IP it locates to somewhere in Manila, about 700km away. It says the ISP is Globe Telecom. Is this quite possible because she is in a cafe or is it likely she is lying through her pretty teeth?
Put in the ip address of your computer. To find that, do this: Start, Run, type in “CMD”, then type ipconfig and write down the IP address. Once you have that, type “Exit back to the main screen please, thank you.”
Hello Jim,
I am trying to port forward my neatgear dgn2000 which has a static ip, so it doesnt change.
When i try to port forward it says to put yout Computer ip address in and i i wonder if it is different from my internet ip. i put my internet ip address in and it says illegal ip address!
Could you Please Help Me!
@ You know who I am!
I have not a clue what you are talking about, but I’m guessing you have rasman on your system and somehow go this mixed up with my What’s My IP service? I moved your comment to the appropriate post, which I highly recommend you visit and read for clarity! Search my site for rasman.
Jim, Lets start off straight up! Are you Rasman? If you are…
Now Jim, If you are not Rasman, I apologize and will hire your immediately…
You know who I am!
I want to know that if someone wants to hack my computer or read my mails then would dynamic ip be better to protect my computer than static ip. AS I understand in dynamic ip the ip address would change everytime I log in and the hacker would not be able to identify my computer. Please help as I think somebody its trying to hack my computer.
hi guys… to find private ip adress of a person
The IP address I am showing you IS correct, the ip you are looking at is what you would find if you typed in ipconfig /all which is your internal address.
What’s my IP? an address that starts with 24 but my ip is
Hey Jim
Just happened upon your site while trying to tackle a virus problem with a laptop I have. Symptoms point to your discriptions of the csrss worm. Its hard to believe such a great site and service is true. Reguardless… your system definitely brings the vulnerability of the average Joe to light. Really scares me to look any deeper tonight.
I went back and turned on the useless private browsing feature in my old XP system an was snuffed out 1st click. Please don’t blacklist me…. I need your help. I’m by no means savvy at this stuff but It interests me greatly. I’ve tried to warn family and friends about habits or lack of. Thanks for the wakeup call. Its pretty late tonight. I’ll be be back
Hi Holly,
No real way of finding out other than searching for your ip address on google and bing which may lead to something more, but chances are they store your ip address and more in a database that’s not accessible through the web.
A free proxy may impose restrictions such as number of sites you can visit or how fast the site you’re looking at loads whereas a paid for proxy (just because they charge a fee does not mean they are good) can be unlimited, any site, any amount of time, etc.
The firewall will protect your computer’s ports from unauthorized access, but they don’t make you unidentifiable – to do that, you would need to visit a cafe or somewhere with a wireless connection (even then, you’re identifiable if you have the wrong set up).
Hope that helps!
This might be a silly question, and forgive me if it is, but is there any way of finding out which websites have stored or found out my ip information? Thank you!
I’m also a little confused about this whole proxy thing. What restrictions will it impose if set it up.
Finally, Firewall. Will this help to make me non-identifiable, or just stop me from being attacked by viruses?
Knowledge is the key, I know, and I’m tryin to acquire it, but just struggling at bit at the mo!
I tried using one of the anonymous surfing programs that hide my IP address by using a proxy server, but it is really slow. Is there any way to speed it up?
What happens if my IP address is on the blacklist? Does that mean that other administrations can’t get my IP information? And what if I want my IP blocked from any other access, and be protected from being searched, etc?
Thanks, I’d really like to know the info as soon as possible, it’s kind of urgent!
I am using geniune windows vista business. I saw a video clip about how to change ip address, so I type :ipv6/instal then it changed my ip, got a new one but from that onwards ‘comes on the screen ” This copy of windows didnot pass geniune validation” so if this because of changing my ‘ip’ pls tell me how to get back my old ip address’
pls help me*
Anybody know that I want to hide my IP:
My IP locked when I post topic on tripadvisor?
Pls help me to recommend for me how to use tripadvisor when My IP locked.
Hi ThinyToad,
Every computer has an IP address and you are likely going through some type of router that is locked down (most are these days), so no, unless a program opened ports for that purpose.
MMM i was thinking that can you take over a other person comupter with the IP .
Could you?
Hi Sunshine,
The IP address given to someone in most cases tracks back to where the ISP (company providing the internet service) is accessing the internet for you, so when you ask whats my ip, you are likely to get an area close to where the person is – Likely – In a number of cases, the company may have you access the internet in your area, but somewhere far away from the actual location, say 50 miles away or more!
So, using the IP address to track his location and then confront him on it would not be wise!
There is a service that 911 has which can Ping a Cell Phone – this is extremely accurate and will pinpoint the person within a few hundred feet of their location at the last good ping. I’ve seen internet sites offering the ping service for $200 or so, but personally, I’d stay away from that as you could end up losing your money.
I know a woman who tracked her husband by sticking a gps tracking device (you can buy them for $200) in the taillight of the car. It had a complete visual map of where he went, how many times, etc. She then used that information to find a pattern and had a private investigator stake out one of the public locations and found him red handed, took pictures and went from there.
So, just because you have an IP address does not mean the location will be right on or even close.
Hi, I was trying to access my husbands whereabouts when he is out on business.
I know his location thru his email when he emails me out from his business trips.
we got into a lot of fights because he would tell me he is canada then his IP address
would be in Houston Texas. or he is in NY then his IP is in Houston texas.
I dont know what to believe anymore, Now i became so paranoid even more
because of this IP address, how is it different, from where his actual location is,
I dont know anymore if he is telling me the truth.
Addresses sometimes are okay, sometimes its not.
I dont tell him about IPS and all , can you please inform me about this?
I am worried that he is not telling me the truth sometimes.
You’re all set Esgi, you can now resume scanning your IP address for security vulnerabilities.
Re: Check it out IP
I’m afraid I’ve just mis-clicked the button that consequently include the above IP Address to the black list. Actually it’s my own IP address, so what should I do to remove it from the black list ? Thank you very much.
kan al een half jaar geen e-mail verzenden omdat ik geblokkeerd ben
Re: IP Spoofing.
Check out Mac-Changer and tortunnel. Hope that helps ;) If you proxy your IP, it reflects the proxy and not you.
Hi Jacob,
BackTrack 4 is the latest but I’m not sure that you can change your IP using it. You can change your external IP yourself by simply changing the MAC address on your router. For example, Linksys (Cisco now), D-link and other routers allow you to change the MAC address to anything you like. Just go into the administration section and change the last octet to something like 12, 13, 14, etc.
Once you have changed the mac and saved the settings, unplug your cable modem and router, then turn on your cable modem, wait 60 seconds, then turn on your router and you’ll have a new external IP address.
Hope that helps!
I was wondering, is it possible to change the physical IP?? I heard that Backtrack3 can, is it right?
I’ve pushed the “block IP address” button about a half dozen times–but do not detect any changes. Should I have?
Do I need to run your “check your IP Address” scan again to see if you can detect it?
And what are the advantages/disadvantages to blocking an IP address? I just want to go into the CBS or NBC sites to watch the new Survivor videos, and am blocked because I live in Germany, and that is what my IP address is showing!
Thanks for any clairifications!
how can we know the IP address is in the blacklist?
i want to be use’n free uk ip
It says im using Safari when im using google chrome…
Please take my IP address off the blacklist
thank you
It depends on the software used and the ports that are open.
Say that the software is trusted (no problems) – If they add a rule to your firewall where their IP is allowed to access your computer on any port and you don’t have your computer configured correctly, then they could access your data, but it would have to be deliberate and chances are, they won’t risk that.
If the software is not trusted, say that it was built in-house with remote desktop sharing capabilities, then it may be possible for someone to use that function to see your personal files but again, that’s risky.
If they have you establish a contention to their system and provide internet access, voip, etc, (like a proxy), then they could easily monitor where you go and it would be well within their rights to do so as you are using their equipment. Question is, what is your IP address right now without connecting to their system, and what is your ip when you DO connect to their system? Visit this page for each scenario and record your address.
As for your wife – if you have an internal network with a basic configuration, and they do a little a little hacking, they could access her computer, but that is highly unlikely! Now, if she has to go through their system to hit the internet, then sure, they can record any internet activity.
Best bet, get a spare computer (be it old, a cheap one from Sams Club / Cosco) and use that for work only. Use your personal computer for everything else.
My employeer wants me to get a static ip address and wanted to know the model number of my router. They want me to access to their new phone system Voip, and software, and have my phone be a remote extenstion of their system, I live in Florida, my employeer is in Pennslyvania. I work out of the house and with all that information given to my employeer, can they view what websites I visit via this arrangement, i.e., can they spy on what I am doing. My wife has her office in the house also and accesses the internet through the same router. Can they see everything both of us do?
Hi Charlotte,
All you need to do is ask – I’ve located your IP and removed it.
Please take my ip off your blacklist. How do I do this I didn’t read correctional before pushing button.
Please un-block my ip address. I accidentally blocked it. 68-150-60-99
And, please block: 68-150-42-28
Thank you!!
Hi Natalie,
That could be possible and I can tell exactly how to detect this, but I need to know what type of operating system you are using and, if you know, what type of firewall you’re using?
I have reason to believe my ex-employer has my ip address and is accessing me remotely through the corporate VPN or server. How can I tell?
Please take my IP address off the blacklist you
Hi Gene,
I don’t want to explain how to get into a forum when banned, I have many myself and unfortunatley have had to ban a few rude visitors making derotogy comments to others, but your if you’re logging into your account after you changed your IP address, then it is automatically tied to your other IP addresses. Also, your browser ID may be unique and giving you away.
My two cents, write the moderator and try to work out the difference or help them see the topic from your point of view.
BTW – what is your ip address and are you sure it’s getting changed? Check this page to make sure it changes.
I was banned from a forum. Well, not entirely. Just banned from making comments. I was unfairly singled out IMO. Anyway, it was my favorite forum, and had made some good friends there. I have now learned that I need to change my IP address to get back in. I have tried all the suggestions to do this myself, but with no success. So, my last option is calling up my ISP and askingthem to this for me. Will they do that for me, without giving me a lot a lot of hassle ? Thanks
Hi Bridget,
If you make your IP private, meaning an IP in one of the ranges below, you could not communicate with the outside world. If you are referring to making it private to the router, then the router to the internet, it can provide you a decent level of security when the router is set to perform firewall functions:
Private IP Address Ranges: – – –
If you change your IP address, and someone has hacked your computer and accesses it by IP, then it may help confuse them, but changing an IP won’t really do anything in the way of security.
BTW – You can force a IP change from your cable company by changing your MAC address.
Hi I was thinking that if I change my IP address, or make it private, will it stop infiltrators or viruses on my PC?
Thank-you for reading this. Bridget.
Hi Angie,
You are correct, a static IP address is one that will stay the same, as opposed to a dynamic IP which changes often.
Many ISP’s charge extra for a static ip address but you may be able to make yours static using the following techniques.
First, I’m guessing that you are serving something, a website, files, sharing, etc – what many people do is use a program that runs on the computer and keeps the connection alive.
This works when the ISP assigns a new ip to users who are not online for a time. By keeping the connection alive, the ISP believes you are active and doesn’t change the IP address.
Another method to make an ip address static is to hard code your IP address into your network settings or router. From a command prompt, you type this command:
ipconfig /all
Look for IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and both dns servers. If your IP address starts with something like 10, 172 or 192, then you are using a router of some type and need to access the admin section of that device.
For example, if your ip address shows, chances are your router’s IP address is
You would then type into your browser window and you should have access to the admin section of the router (may prompt you for a password).
Once inside the router, find a status button and click on it, you should see your IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and both dns servers. Write it all down…
You would then go into the configuration section and change your setup from dynamic to static and enter the information you just wrote down.
Save everything, then power off the router, cable modem or DSL modem, then power on the cable modem or DLS modem first, then the router.
That is how to set up a static IP address without having to pay the extra fees.
Disclaimer / Note: make sure that it’s not against your ISP terms of service to use a keep alive program or hard code your IP address before making any changes.
I am trying to figure out how to make my ip address not change daily. I believe what i need is called a “static” ip and am willing to pay for this service. Can you help me?
Hi April,
You hit the nail right on the head – you may be coming from Vermont, but the IP address that everyone sees (your public ip) actually come out of the switch in Vancouver.
Comcast and other internet service providers do this often, so don’t be alarmed. Although we can’t see the exact location you are coming from, Comcast (what you are using) does and maps that IP to the router in your home.
And… That IP address that we are seeing can and does change often (unless you have requested a static IP address).
I’m not understanding how my IP address can be in Vancouver, WA when I’m in Vermont. Perhaps that is the headquarters of Comcast?
Please take my IP address off the blacklist.
I did it thinking I could reverse the request but found nowhere to do it on your site.
Matt C